Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Yasmin Pill Uk How Much Do Yasmin Birth Control Pills Cost In The UK?

How much do Yasmin birth control pills cost in the UK? - yasmin pill uk

I tried searching on Google for this, but the only site that relevant arrived, I just wanted to confirm that they were right ..

Basically, I'm on Yaz / Yasmin in the last 5 years and have never experienced any negative side effects. My doctor told me that New Yasmin is more expensive than other brands, and I wanted different kinds of pills. In the last 4 months I have tried two different brands (and Ovranette Marvelon) and suffered terrible side effects (acne really bad, bleeding, mood swings and uncontrollable) for both. I'm really frustrated, try to "correct" (or less) a pill when I know that fits me well.

After the brand I am now (Marvelon) costs £ 26.33 for 3 packs of 28 tablets. Yasmin is listed cost EUR 32.91 for the same amount of pills. If this is true, I would have 6.58 pounds for each additional three months to pay, there seems to be too much for the NHS.

(So sorry for walking ...) Someone know how the costs of Yasmin?

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